
EMAP Group show "Kin(d) Relations" @ Antre Peaux

November 5, 2022, 9:45 am - December 30, 2022, 9:45 am

We have known, for a long time now, that the living world is in danger. There is no need here to launch into an ecological discourse, which is rightly catastrophic. The Kin(d) Relations exhibition, an EMAP group show, is based on thinking about family (kin) developed by Donna Haraway, to really think about living beings and their interdependence. A theoretical, political and literary enrichment committed to creating paths where joyful utopias remain without ever forgetting that our biotope is polluted, dried up, saturated, deregulated.

With works by EMAP artists in residence Stefanie Schroeder & Juliane Jaschnow, Paula Kaori Nishijima, Charlotte Jarvis, Margherita Pevere, Kat Austen, Liliana Zeic, Uh513 (María Castellanos & Alberto Valverde) and guest contributions by Cécile Beau, Annabel Gueredrat, Josèfa Ntjam, Laetitia Bourget, Shu Lea Chaeng.

The group show takes place from 5 November until 30 December 2022.


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