

Since 2023


via Rovigo 8

48015 Cervia


Noema (nóēma, from Greek νόημα, “thought”, “concept”, “idea”), is an online magazine with some connected projects devoted to art/science/technology and culture interrelations and influences. “Culture” also means “habits”, “lifestyles”, “communication”, “science”, “art”, “society”, “economy”, “media”, “philosophy”, “climate crisis”, “non-human issues”..., while “technologies” should be intended in a broader meaning than the digital realm.

Noema is online since March 2000 but its roots date back to the ’90s: in March 1994 a small group at the University of Bologna published NetMagazine/MagNet, the first online magazine in Italy, still mentioned in books, courses and conferences.

Noema is an online magazine on the relationships among technologies, science, culture and society, with International Scientific Committee and Advisory Board. It has leaded and supported International projects and events from art to didactics, from innovation to climate change, from publishing to media communication, and is a partner of the European SciArt Resonances project of the EU Joint Research Center in Ispra.

Noema is a magazine keen in the analysis of the cultural transformations, exploring and monitoring the society’s evolution thanks to its net of authors, thinkers, multilingual essays and articles, projects and research on contemporary issues.
