Werkleitz Gesellschaft e. V.
Schleifweg 6
06114 Halle (Saale)
T. +49 345 68246-0
F. +49 345 68246-29
Chief Executive:
Daniel Herrmann
Executive Board:
Peter Zorn, Marcie Kathleen Jost, Sandra Naumann, Wieland Krause
Registered as non-profit cultural association:
Nr. VR 22277 with Stendal County Court (Amtsgericht)
Tax-ID: 110/142/46683
Inland Revenue Office: Halle (Saale) Nord
County Court: Halle (Saale)
Bank details:
Werkleitz Gesellschaft e. V.
Deutsche Kreditbank AG (DKB)
Sort Code: 120 300 00
Acc. Nr.: 1001 1814 43
IBAN DE28 1203 0000 1001 1814 43
The Author liable for content in accordance with § 6 MDStV (National Media Services Contract of Germany):
Werkleitz Gesellschaft e. V.
The Author hereby expressly refutes all liability for the content of linked sites, which remains the sole responsibility of its respective stated author(s). The Author hereby expressly states that no illegal content could be identified on linked sites at the time when said links were published here.
Web Editor:
Anita Müller
Website: Knoth & Renner with Jonas Holfeld ツ