Carl Emil Carlsen´s EMAP project in collaboartion with Anna Fišere Intangible won the Inter:active Award at CPH:DOX 2024, a brand new award for the best immersive work.
The jury honors Intangible as an "immersive experience that is a playful, physically convincing and instantly satisfying experience that challenges the expression of contemporary art and left the jury wanting to come back for more. Overall, the fidelity of this piece is second to none. Normally you cannot touch a sculpture but here you are part of interacting with it and drawn into it. It has a natural adaption of the sound design created by Anna Fišere for the piece, and is a beginning of a new chapter of the future of art. Is it storytelling? Not in a traditional sense, but we like it’s none narrative but reminding us that technology can be organic in its nature. Intuitive, simple, yet powerful."