Dorotea Dolinšek in collaboration with Barbara Sušnik
Dorotea Dolinšek is a Ljubljana based intermedia artist, working at the intersection of art, science and technology. Her main point of interest lies within artistic investigation of life in radical environment of outer space. She holds a bachelor degree in painting that she gained at Academy of fine arts in Venice. Currently, she’s working on her master thesis at Video and new media art department of Academy for art and design in Ljubljana. She’s collaborating with Kersnikova Institute (Kapelica Gallery) since 2020. In 2021 she received a student award at the International Festival of Computer Arts in Maribor, Slovenia.
Barbara Sušnik is a fashion, textile, 3D and graphic designer. She studied Fashion and textile design at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering in Ljubljana. During her studies she participated in various Fashion weeks in Ljubljana, where she received a prize for her redesign of a Teva wearables in 2016. Her work had been presented at various group exhibitions around Slovenia. In recent years, her interest led her into intertwinement of handcrafted objects into the digital landscape, researching the appropriation of those in ways that tools of the digital place allow. Currently she works as a creative director and 3D designer for video games.