Embracing the idea that technology acts as a mirror of the organic world, capable of healing or poisoning depending on its usage and users, PREMIUM CONNECT investigates the cybernetics space where the organic, technologic and spiritual worlds connect. How can we use biological or esoteric systems to fuel technological process of information, control and governance? This work explores the origins of information and communication technologies (ICTs), drawing on wisdoms from the fungi underworld, ancestors communication, numerology, African divination systems, sacred geometry, Dogon astrology, and the earth’s energetic grid among other spiritual technologies. The history of colonial domination and the erasure of indigenous knowledge systems are closely related to the history of our ‘modern’ technologies. PREMIUM CONNECT digs into ancient cosmologies in search of technological authenticity, which do not rely on exploitation, exclusion, empiric rationality and profit. This study of dynamic networks from artificial and biologic environments digs into the politics of possibilities, where a mystico-techno-consciousness could nurture a mind-body-spirit-technology symbiosis.
Exhibited at:
Virtual Insanity, Kunsthalle Mainz, Germany
CryBaby, Institut für Zukunft, Germany
More Aphrike, M.Bassy, Hamburg, Germany
Dgt Fmnsm, Cynetart, festival, Dresden, Germany
Impakt Festival, Haunted Machines & Wicked Problems, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Brighton Digital Art Festival, UK
Whenever the Heart Skips a Beat, Mehringplatz, Berlin
Escaping the Digital Unease!, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
Suspended Animation, Les Abattoires, Toulouse, Fr
Hybrid Layers, ZKM, Karlsruhe, GR
House of Electronic Arts Basel @Liste, Basel, Ch
Exotic Trade, Goodman gallery, Johannesburg, SA