Bethan Hughes in collaboration with Diego Flórez
Bethan Hughes studied Fine Art at the Glasgow School of Art and Media Art at the Bauhaus-Universitity Weimar. In 2020, she received a PhD from the University of Leeds for her dissertation Against Immateriality: 3D CGI and Contemporary Art. Her work has most recently been shown in solo exhibitions at Centrum Berlin, HAUNT/frontviews Berlin and in the group exhibition Mutual Matters: Goldrausch 2021 at the Haubrok Foundation, Berlin. Between 2019-20, she was a Braunschweig Projects fellow. In 2021, she received a fine art research scholarship from the city of Berlin and in 2023, as part of European Media Art Platform programme, she will be in residence at LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial in Gijón.
Diego Flórez is a multidisciplinary artist pivoting mostly between sound art, composition, and filmmaking. He was born in Mieres (Asturias), and his works are influenced by his surroundings. Landscapes and soundscapes defined by a mixture of the rural and the post-industrial shape his artworks.